I don't remember much of the day.. it flew by in whirl of sushi and emotion.
I always tell my brides to breathe, and enjoy the moment, because it goes by too fast.. this in when I learned it first hand.
Thinking back I see clips of smiles, and tears, and remembering exactly how we told eachother we wanted to spent the rest of our lives with one another.
3 years ago yesterday (because yes, John hid the computer and gave us a little forced staycation) we married eachother.
Leather is the symbol for 3 years, because it's strong and flexible.
I've learned over the past three years how important it is not just to be strong, in life and in love, but to be flexible.
This isn't always an easy lesson, but one that's so important.
Nothing is perfect, and I wouldn't want it to be. Because nothing good comes free.
Photo Credit :: Linda d'Avella - Tropical Photography
Happy Anniversary to my dear, John
and Best of Luck to All of My Lovely Couples.
May you learn all of your lessons together for a very long time.